Our Favourite Productivity Apps

Three mobile phones

So much to do and not enough hours in the day. Sounds familiar? Here's a list of our favourite productivity apps to help make that workload a little bit lighter and easier to manage.


Evernotes simple design makes for no-fuss organising, perfect for dealing with an ever-increasing volume of information. From the drag-and-save feature, to the built in camera, Evernote allows you to keep track of tickets, receipts, or even turn paper notes into electronic ones. It also allows you to keep all your ideas and projects in one place, synced with all of your other devices, plus you can share it with team members, making it easy to collaborate on projects.


At PR Dispatch we swear by Trello. This app is particularly useful for those of you looking to optimise your productivity with limited free time. Basically, what Trello allows you to do is to organise your projects into easy-to-understand ‘cards’, with the ability to attach comments, pictures, dates, checklists and more. These cards can then be further organised into separate groups so all of your projects and tasks can be easily found, read, and understood. It also allows for easy management of team projects as you can keep track of who is doing what and when.


Another very simple and handy app is Todoist. Aside from organisation it also allows you to set goals for yourself, and keep track of your productivity levels. Todoist is compatible with most of your devices so you can use it whenever and wherever you are.


This app is a little different as it's tailored towards research or creative projects. Pocket acts as a space in which you can save any videos, images, articles, or other interesting or relevant things you stumble across on the web. Once you’ve added things to Pocket, you can access them on all your devices, and you don’t even need wifi. Much better than having hundreds of tabs open on your desktop.


It can often seem difficult to stay on task with so many distractions around, particularly when it comes to our mobile devices; however, this cute app provides an easy way to combat that. Whenever you feel like you want to really focus, you turn on the app and plant a seed. Those seeds will then grow into trees, but only as long as you stay on the app – if you leave the app, your tree will die. You can also plant trees with friends for group projects. The more you work, the more trees you will grow, and the bigger your forest will become!


The good old spell check has undoubtedly been a saviour on a number of occasions, but grammar mistakes often go unchecked. While it's not technically a productivity app Grammarly which is a plug-in, suitable for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Word, ensure you don’t need to waste precious time proof-reading for simple mistakes. It automatically flags up any mistakes in grammar and also suggests alternatives for more sophisticated language. It can also be used on pre-written documents, which can be uploaded and checked very easily. The premium version gives advice on your writing styles, and how to improve the overall tone of your writing. 

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