Small Business Saturday Survival Tips

Small Business Saturday Gif

As we approach the festive season, Small Business Saturday is the perfect time to purchase Christmas gifts. Small Business Saturday has grown from a campaign encouraging consumers to 'shop local’ but now is an annual event that reaches millions and raises awareness of the crucial importance of small businesses. The success of Small Business Saturday is a tribute for hard-working entrepreneurs like yourself. 


Embrace the day by doing something unique and different, keep your current customers engaged by telling them about the day via email and social media. Reach out to your customers and local community to announce your participation. Take note that shoppers this time of year emphatically plan ahead. By inviting them early, you will increase your competitive edge. Not everyone markets early, so this will make sure your brand stands out. Remember that communication is key. 


Small Business Saturday is a great opportunity to entice customers with offers and promotions. As the giving season is upon us customers are buying in bulk and therefore looking for a bargain. Ensure that you are considering ways in which the consumer feels special, providing products and services they will love with a good price point. Create a buzz through social media. 


Turn first-time shoppers into loyal customers - grab the opportunity to turn first-time shoppers into repeat buyers, make sure to take note of peoples names and contact details, capture emails to offer exclusive discounts throughout the year. For example, reward them for shopping small by offering a discount, a free gift with purchase, complimentary wrapping service or even a gift card that can be used for a later purchase. Who doesn’t like having an excuse to shop?


Leverage online content to increase awareness and drive traffic to your shop. Post Facebook updates, Instagram photos and tweets about what you have going on. Don’t forget to include hashtag’s #ShopSmall, #SmallBizSaturday and #SmallBusinessSaturday. 


Think Beyond Saturday - even though it is important to utilise Small Business Saturday to drive traffic and boost sales, you should think beyond this day of shopping. After the holiday season take note of what worked and what didn’t, this gives you an opportunity to re-purpose after the holiday season has ended; allowing you to build up and strengthen relationships with consumers all year long. Use Small Business Saturday as the start, not the end. 

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